Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Chemotherapy (Obvious Facts People Don’t Want to See)

Chemotherapy and the facts that support why this cancer treatment needs to be avoided.

Throughout history, there have been numerous occupations that have proved to be hazardous to those working in those industries. Coal miners breathing in dust which would lead to emphysema and long term lung issues or the munition workers during World War One whose skin turned yellow because of their close contact with the chemicals contained in TNT.

Further back, in the 1800s, there were the milliners who used mercury to strengthen sub-standard fur to make fashionable hats for the masses. Mercury poisoning lead to impaired speech, memory loss, trembling and personality changes, this became known as “Mad Hatter Syndrome” which in turn gave us the character “The Mad Hatter” from Alice in Wonderland. Mad as a Hatter.

Now let us have a look at a dangerous drug alert issued by the National Institute of Occupational Health and Safety(NIOSH) and the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention(CDCP), the title of the alert was Preventing Exposure to Antineoplastics and other Hazardous Drugs in Health Care Settings. The alert warned that working with chemotherapy drugs could be harmful to your health.

Evidence to back up these claims are numerous, one example is the story of Sue Crump, an experienced pharmacist, who had spent much of her career working with chemotherapy drugs. In 2011, Sue died from pancreatic cancer, but before her death Sue wanted it to be known that it was her hands-on exposure to toxic chemotherapy that had caused her own cancer. Drugs like cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, fluorouracil, and methotrexate.

Despite multiple studies dating back to the 1970s linking certain cancers to medical personnel, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) does not regulate exposure to toxic drugs. As every oncologist is aware, chemotherapy drugs cause genetic changes in patients and yet traces of these same drugs have been detected on floors, worktops, computer keyboards, and door handles.

Most chemo drugs are genotoxic, interacting with genes (DNA) and causing mutations.

Genetic mutations are recognized as a high-risk factor for developing cancer. A long term study of oncology medical personnel working in Denmark from the 1940s to the 1980s found a significantly increased number of blood cancer cases among both doctors and nurses. Another Danish study from 2009 of just under 100,000 nurses showed an increased risk of brain, breast and thyroid cancers.

Over recent years, more and more leading cancer experts have spoken out against the use of chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer. Dr. Glenn Warner railed against the multi-million dollar cancer treatment industry “..that is killing people. Left and right, just for financial gain”.

The former head of the American Chemical Society, Dr. Alan C. Nixon stated that “….chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good”. French cancer specialist Dr. Charles Mathe said that if he ever contracted cancer he would stay away from standard cancer treatment in order to give himself a chance to survive.

When a person with one type of cancer is injected with chemotherapy, it will often lead to the development of another type of cancer. The Oncologist will then claim to have cured initial cancer, when, in fact, the second or third cancer is a direct result of the chemo used to treat first cancer. Mad isn’t it.

When you analyze the effects of chemotherapy it becomes obvious that it is highly toxic, the person’s hair falls out, their immune system is devastated, dizziness and headaches and vomiting are the norm. Maybe the body is telling us something?

Drugs routinely used to treat cancer, such as Tamoxifen for breast cancer, were declared to be “known carcinogen” by the World Health Organisation in 1996. How can a drug that causes cancer cure cancer? Impossible!

There is a quote from Mike Adams that sums it up. “Treating cancer with chemotherapy is like treating alcoholism with vodka.

It’s like treating heart disease with cheese, or diabetes with high-fructose corn syrup. Cancer cannot be cured by the very thing that causes it. Don’t let some cancer doctor talk you into chemotherapy using his or her fear tactics. They’re good at that.

So next time he insists to you take some chemotherapy, ask him to take some first. If your oncologist isn’t willing to take chemotherapy in front of you to prove it is safe, why on earth would you agree to have it injected in your body.

The post Chemotherapy (Obvious Facts People Don’t Want to See) appeared first on Alternative Cancer Treatment Center in Thailand.

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