Saturday, October 3, 2020

B17 And Cancer Treatment

B17 And Cancer Treatment

B17 and cancer treatment has shown positive effects in helping to induce apoptosis and prevent the spread of cancer cells.

Vitamin B17 is a chemical compound found in apricot pits as well as in the seeds of apples, plums, peaches, pears, grapes, cherries and berries. B17 and cancer treatment administered intravenously have no negative side effects and initiate programmed cell death. This is a tremendous benefit as part of a comprehensive cancer care program.

B17 can be found in grains like buckwheat, flax, and barley. It can also be found in bamboo sprouts, alfalfa, fava, garbanzo, mung sprouts, yams, sweet potatoes, and cassava. Certain greens like spinach and watercress and beans like lima and kidney also provide a rich supply of vitamin B17.

B17 is sometimes called or associated with amygdalin. In 1952, biochemist Dr. Ernest Krebs created a drug containing amygdalin called laetrile. B17 is best known for its potential anti-cancer properties.

What are the associated health benefits of B17?

One study found that amygdalin helped lower blood pressure, especially when taken with vitamin C. The active compound in amygdalin promotes the production of thiocyanate which helps control blood pressure.

Another study, albeit on animals, noted that it can help relieve pain caused by arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. There is also some evidence that shows it can improve immunity. It helps with the ability of immune cells to “adhere” to prostate cancer cells.

A 2014 report noted amygdalin as a “promising antitumor drug.” It has been used in traditional medicine protocols to help relieve discomfort, including cancer- and chemotherapy-associated pain.

How does B17 cancer treatment work?

According to Dr. Krebs, B17 releases a powerful cytotoxin which is hydrogen cyanide. It also releases benzaldehyde, another potent cytotoxin. Cytotoxins are “chemical weapons.” They are used by killer T-cells to damage infected cells. When viruses attack healthy cells and “trick” them into replicating the virus, cytotoxins “kill” the infected cells so they cannot infect other healthy cells.

An enzyme called rhodanese or thiosulfate transulfurase converts cyanide into the “harmless thiocyanate.” Thiocyanate is a “human metabolite”, “pseudohalide anion” and a “sulfur molecular entity.” One study shows that it has a “protective effect” on the lungs in cystic fibrosis and an “anti-inflammatory effect in endothelial cells, a neuronal cell line, and a pancreatic beta-cell line.”

The neoplastic cells then suffer “lethal cytotoxicity” due to the selective lag of the undetoxified cyanide and unoxidized benzaldehyde while the somatic cells are left unaffected.

One study noted that amygdalin may “protect against cervical cancer.” Based on tests on human cells, the researchers found that it can induce apoptosis or programmed cell death, which is crucial to prevent the spread of cancer cells. Two other studies indicated its potential to “fight bladder cancer” by blocking the growth of the tumor. Refer

Some clinical tests have also shown that B17 “reacts well” with other vitamins including A, C, E, B-15 as well as with pancreatic enzymes and other nutrients to weaken malignant cells. Refer

Important note: Before using B17 as part of cancer treatment, consult with a medical or health professional.

At The LifeCo Clinic, it is one of the metabolic and intravenously administered therapies, together with vitamin C, glutathione and curcumin, among others. These are offered as part of the healing center’s integrative cancer care program. Learn more about B17 and cancer treatment. Get in touch with us now.

The post B17 And Cancer Treatment appeared first on Alternative Cancer Treatment Center in Thailand.

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